Friday, February 13, 2009

Yes Man and The Power of Yes

Just started reading the book that inspired the movie, YES MAN.

Amazing tale. Its a true life story of young man named Danny Wallace who had lost his woman, lost his way and had fallen into loneliness and isolation. He began to despair until a seemingly random encounter on a bus led him to a meeting with a stranger.

A brief conversation on a public bus with a complete stranger changed his life. This man offered Danny Wallace three magic words, "Say Yes More."!

Three magic words that transformed his life in the most delightful and unexpected ways. In that moment he resolved to be open to receive what the universe had to offer. He would "Say Yes More."!

What happened next? He gives spare change to anyone who asks. Invents things. Travels the globe. Wins $45,000. Becomes a TV executive...and a minister. He nods a lot. And finds that romance isn't as complicated as it seems.

Just by saying yes more.

His story really is our story. He had lived his life in a state of resistance to what is. Of course he didn't consciously know it. But he lived with the consequences of it. The result was a life of frustration, isolation, loneliness and despair. He had lost hope and was living a meaningless life.

The road led him to seek escape from this ennui. Down to the pub to find a moments reprieve from the frustration. A quick escape with an empty promise of happiness. Ironically it was while he was on the bus to the pub that he encountered the stranger that would change his life.

The chance encounter only could happen because he was open to receive. He was willing.

It was a moment of truth on the bus. A moment that changed Danny Wallace's life for ever. It was a moment of transformation. The proof is in the extraordinary life he has lived since that day of acceptance.

All because he was willing. He didn't have to spend years tucked away in a monastery or ashram meditating to change the course of his life. He didn't have to read a single self-help book, or go to the latest "change your life" course, and he didn't even have to pay a dime for it (well he did have to pay the bus fair, but that was incidental to his serendipitous meeting). He only had to say yes more.

Will you say yes more?

In my opinion, the act of saying yes more activates the Law of Attraction, uses the Law of Allowing and diminishes fear through action. Simple. To the point. Where the rubber of mind meets the road of life.

Today's thought: Are you willing to move out of your state of resistance? Are you willing to say yes more?

If so, get out your ruby Nike's, click your heels three times and repeat after me;

"Say Yes More"!
"Say yes More"!
"Say Yes More"!

Resistance=Fear. Resistance keep you stuck and acceptance sets you free.

Simple. Easy. Really.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. HI... you're right this is a paradox. Everything we hear today is to say "no" more... control our time more and get more done. However, I feel this creates a lot of lonely people. I remember a time when I was in so much pain from soft tissue damage from a car accident. I decided the solution was to stop focusing on myself and the "poor me" syndrome. I said "yes" to volunteering for the cancer agency. The women I met who were going thru treatment made me feel like I was the luckiest person on earth. My pain was nothing compared to the challenges they were facing. Say "yes"... I think it is a wonderful idea!

    Dale Kathryn

  3. Great real life story of redirecting attention from self to others. Yes is a magic elixir. It changes our attitude from egocentric to an attitude of gratitude and service. Also a wonderful reminder that our pain great as it may seem is not the story of our life. It is paradoxically service to others. It all begins with an attitude of "YES":)
