Friday, March 27, 2009

Deliberate Liberations

Freedom is not free and Pie is not in the sky:) Don't ask me why.

But none the less, a conversation about the true meaning of freedom is now on the agenda. Tired of hearing all the jibba jabba about freedom. The painful truth is that freedom comes at a price. A very high price.

When we are young, freedom means only one thing, "You can't tell me what to do!"

It seems like freedom, it feels like freedom but it is part of the beautiful lie. It says we can do what we want, when we want regardless of the circumstance, irrespective of the consequences.

Let someone else take responsibility. Let someone else clean up the mess.

This adolescent notion of freedom is embedded in the psyches of seemingly mature and responsible adults. Teens come in all sizes, all bodies and apparently all ages too.

The full energetic consequence has now come home to roost.

Yes Martha, we have a real mess on our hands. And the youthful proclamations proffered by teenagers in adult bodies and "Adults in Age Only" AAO's have created the biggest mess of this generation.

Fiscal chaos.

And who do all teenagers and the AAO's go to when the full consequences of their irresponsible choices come back to bite them in the butt?

Mom and Dad, and the collective Super Parent "Uncle Sam."

Wake up people. Stop the collective and individual insanity. You made this mess. I made this mess. We all made this mess. Stop the blame game. Take responsibility. It is our only hope for salvation. Blame is useless.

We the people, the immature people of the United States have sowed the seeds of psychic self-destruction and lived the freedom part without the responsibility part. The ugly truth is now upon us.

Freedom is not free.

Freedom comes at a price. A very high price of blood and treasure. Of deferred urges and sacred sacrifices.

Freedom is not free.It comes at the price of responsibility and wisdom. The sacrifices of good men and woman for the greater good of us all.

Its time to expose the beautiful lie before it does us all in.

Time to come to terms with the ugly truth. Freedom is not a feeling yet freedom has a feeling. Freedom is not license to act in anyway that the muse moves us, or our urges "urge" us. No no.

Freedom is our highest calling. Freedom is the at the heart of our very nature. It is deliberate. It aspires to call out the best in all of us. It is not selfish or egocentric. Rather it calls us into service to others.

It is a the grand paradox of our human experience. Freedom is not free.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful piece. I could not agree more. Freedom is the daughter of responsibility. And the average adult needs to move out of middle school and graduate soon.
