Sunday, March 29, 2009

Can Technology Save Us?

I love technology.

Ever since that day I was handed a Heathkit catalog by Bill Buckley, I was hooked.

All those gadgets and widgets and flashing lights. It was as if science fiction had become science fact, at least in the mind of a 12 year old.

In my adolescent fantasy I imagined that I could become very powerful with it, even control the organization of the material universe.

Well, well, well. My childhood fantasy actually was more true than I could ever have imagined. Technology can and in fact does give us the power to alter the material world, rearrange the very nature of physical reality and ultimately dismantle it to a degree that would render human existence a historical footnote in the vast march of time, that is if there was anyone to record then.

Technology and technologies are gifts from the fertile minds of geeks and scientific freaks. We all benefit from it in one way or another. From the iPhone to the Kinzu knife, it was some technology that made it happen.

But what is technology?

In the simplest terms it is applied science for industrial or commercial applications. Science moved from lab to tabletop.

It is the engine that has delivered the modern world as we now know it.

But it comes with a price. Pollution, and the capacity to do us all in. Not a good thing.

Still, I love technology. It is a godsend to us all. Can it save us?

Time will tell of course. With wisdom it will make the world a better place. Without it anything can happen.


  1. I think that technology can do something and that is bring us closer together. Connecting people that might not have ever met. and Truely in the Universal Revolution of love we dont' have to meet face to face we just have to agree on some basic principles and we can all connect through this technology. Even in just our life time the amount of change is wild and beyond belief..when I was a kid lots of people didn't have TV's and some of my friends didn't have phones! that was by choice bur still it was not unheard off. Computers where things of the future, so many things we take for granted today were unheard of in 1961. Yes there are pitfalls everyhwere..take my sisters, they think the people I talk to online are all people who aren't who they say they are, schiesters, and tricksters, mainly due to fear. Hey I'm not giving my pin #s or credit card numbers I'm giving what I have...time and energy to the web of life..and those connections out there most deffinitly can translate to connections in real time too.
    So embrace the changes, be smart, listen to you gut instincts but do not be afraid of opening your heart and mind to another soul for it is only in connecting do we really see the web of life.

  2. Technology, like everything else in our world is subject to our purest and clearest intention. If our intention be love, this is what we will create, even with technology. And this we can do by being clear about our intentions in our everyday life. Let's not under estimate the power of a few great minds and hearts with a clear purpose.
