Wednesday, October 24, 2012

How to Live Courageously in Turbulent Times

The world is dynamic. Life uncertain. We are challenged everyday to find something to believe in. Something we can rely on. Something we can live for. A Purpose. A reason for being, for living , for toiling...for acting in the face of the forces of FUD.

Fear, uncertainty and doubt are the tools. Used by the enemies of truth to confuse us, we are easy targets. All of us. Our arsenal is simple yet powerful. Truth. Sober , vigilant and awake.

We rise to challenge those whose mission is to keep us one of the sheeple...with the full armor of truth. To restore our sovereignty we walk in faith.

Faith in what you may ask? In yourselves. In life. In the mysterious and magnificent muse which created us...and whom lovingly sustains us. Faith in the invisible and seemingly impossible. Faith in each other.

What do we do? Nothing? Perhaps. We need to see our lives in a transcendent way. The big picture. No. The biggest of all possible pictures. We need to see our lives as integral parts in the expression of truth. Transcending by trance ending the fog cultivated by the agents of confusion.

I know this may seem a bit obscure. The rational mind may find this path irrational. So be it. Truth is paradoxical or its not truth at all. As the German mystic monk Meister Eckhart observed: "What ever you can say about God is untrue." Think about it. Let the apparent contradiction sit in the middle of your resistance. Truth will set you free..if you allow it.

We can transform our desperation into aspirations. We can believe in the power of the truth to set of free from the corrals of sheeple. The path is simple but not easy. It will require courage. It will require action in the face of the great unknown and it will require faith.

Let's play it as a game. Not an ordinary game. But a game worth playing. Heraclitus suggested that play is the path to authentic action. In fact, he asserted that we are most nearly ourselves when we achieve the seriousness of a child at play. The game is a means to put a structure to our actions and to keep us going in the midst of life's challenges. If it is truly a game worth playing, it will keep us engaged.

Moving beyond quiet desperation... embracing truth requires that we play it as if our life and sanity depend on it. Because it does.


  1. Dear Mr Ken Of Zen
    Provide your email adress to

  2. This just blew my mind. Indeed all true lets all awake to
    This and play the game how it should be played
