Spring begins the cycle of new life. Trees bud, flowers bloom, babies are born, and spirits are stirred from their long winter's slumber.
Melting snows, warm sun, quickened hearts.
Spring is the time for renewal. Time for the proverbial spring cleaning. Time to wipe away the dust and clutter of the old ways. Time to be born anew.
Fresh ideas, new ways of doing and being, releasing the past, listening to your heart, and being transformed by the renewing of your mind.
The spiritual prescription for renewal:
1. Stop what you are thinking and doing. Be still. Listen.
2. Repent. Turn away from the old ways of being and doing. Turn away from being reactive, routine, and conditioned based on fear.
3. Have a change of mind. A new mind. A mind based on love, trust, faith, courage. A mind based on authentic knowing.
4. Release and let go of old ideas, old habits of thinking and doing. Challenge your beliefs. Challenge their validity. Test new ideas. Go ahead. Its okay. You are the creator of your life. Choose new beliefs simply for the purpose of knowing who you are with this new belief. Beliefs require no proof. Of course you could offer proof, but there no need to.
A belief is an assertion you make about the world and your place in it. An assertion that you act as if it were true. Experiment. New beliefs bring new perspectives and new experiences. You can change them at will. Its the spiritual seekers tool for shifting perspective and opening to new possibilities.
5. Forgive yourself, forgive everyone else. Let go of your bitterness and resentment.
6. Break the pattern of living that has kept you trapped. Transform yourself through the renewing of your mind.
7. Ask for Divine help. No need to undertake this transformation alone.